We now have even more trainings and a fresh take on our flagship course for managers.
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We now have even more trainings and a fresh take on our flagship course for managers.
TMC’s website now includes resources in Spanish, easier training registration, an improved resource library, and more!
Learn more about TMC’s mission, growth, and most popular tools as CEO Jakada Imani sits down with Ryan Honeyman for the Next Economy Now podcast.
Jakada Imani reflects on his first anniversary as CEO and his lifelong journey to forge a set of management practices rooted in love and rigor.
The Management Center (TMC) is honored to be among the recipients of a major gift from author and philanthropist MacKenzie Scott.
Last November, our founding CEO Jerry Hauser shared the news that he was ready to step down 15 years after launching The Management Center. Today, we’re thrilled to share that we have a new leader: our own Jakada Imani.
After 15 years as CEO, I’m ready to contribute in new ways and use different muscles than I do in this role. I’m also excited to make room for new leadership here that I know will make our work even more useful to the world.
We know that neither we nor our clients will achieve our aims unless we manage in ways that combat racism and white supremacy.