Resource Type
Tool / Template

Formal Performance Warning – Sample

When corrective feedback and support hasn’t led to improved employee performance, a more formal warning that clearly informs the employee that their job is in jeopardy is usually the next step. Here is an example of a formal performance warning in writing.

4 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

Coaching Out – Sample Script

A coaching-out conversation is aimed at convincing an employee that continued tenure in the role doesn’t make sense and agreeing on a smooth transition plan.

6 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

Firing – Sample Script

Managers often struggle to find the right words to use when letting an employee go, so here’s a sample script.

2 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

Sample Progressive Discipline Policy

Progressive discipline consists of a brief series of increasingly serious warnings, culminating in dismissal if an employee fails to improve sufficiently – and lets your staff know that they won’t be fired without first knowing about your concerns.

1 min read
Resource Type
Article / publication

Common Choice Points

Here is a list of some of the most common choice points, or key decision-making opportunities, managers face that may have equity and inclusion impacts.

3.5 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

Herramientas para el plan de mejora del rendimiento

Un plan de mejora del rendimiento (PIP) es un plan escrito con pasos claros para ayudar a su personal a alcanzar el nivel de rendimiento esperado para su función. Este kit de herramientas incluye dos recursos: 1) una hoja de trabajo de preparación para gerentes, que puede ser útil tanto si se está preparado para un PIP formal y 2) una plantilla para un Plan de Mejora del Rendimiento por escrito que puede rellenar y compartir con su miembro del personal.

5 min read