In this section, you’ll find resources to help you develop and invest in your staff, including tools for giving and receiving feedback, and evaluating performance.

Where to Start

Resource Type
Article / publication

Give More (and Better) Feedback with CSAW

Working on a team requires great communication—giving clear directions, aligning on expectations, and offering (and receiving) feedback that helps people grow. In this article, we share a simple framework for giving more and better feedback: CSAW.

5 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

2×2 Feedback Form

The 2×2 system helps managers and staff members regularly reflect, share feedback, and discuss how the work is going.

3 min read
Resource Type
Article / publication

How to Receive Feedback (Part 1)

When we respond well to feedback, we strengthen relationships and trust, increase the likelihood that we’ll keep getting it, and contribute to a culture of growth, candor, and rigor within our teams. Here’s our best advice for receiving feedback, focused on the parts that you have control over.

7.5 min read

Additional Resources

Resource Type
Article / publication

5 Tips for Giving Better Feedback

Get better at giving feedback—and help your staff get better, too—with these five tips.

2.5 min read
Resource Type
Article / publication

Four Ways to Mitigate Bias in Performance Evaluations

Without rigor and care, performance evaluations can create confusion, lead to inequitable outcomes, and lower staff morale. Here are four tips for mitigating bias when evaluating performance.

3.5 min read
Resource Type
Article / publication

Give More (and Better) Feedback with CSAW

Working on a team requires great communication—giving clear directions, aligning on expectations, and offering (and receiving) feedback that helps people grow. In this article, we share a simple framework for giving more and better feedback: CSAW.

5 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

CSAW Worksheet and Sample

Nervous about giving feedback? This worksheet will help you think about what you want to say and how to say it with CSAW (Connect, Share, Ask, Wrap up).

2 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

2×2 Feedback Form

The 2×2 system helps managers and staff members regularly reflect, share feedback, and discuss how the work is going.

3 min read
Resource Type
Article / publication

How to Receive Feedback (Part 1)

When we respond well to feedback, we strengthen relationships and trust, increase the likelihood that we’ll keep getting it, and contribute to a culture of growth, candor, and rigor within our teams. Here’s our best advice for receiving feedback, focused on the parts that you have control over.

7.5 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

Stay Conversation Agenda

This sample agenda helps you plan “stay conversations” with the staff you want to retain.

2.5 min read
Resource Type
Article / publication

In Praise of… Praise!

Praise isn’t just a nice-to-have! Here are some tips for using our CSAW framework to give high-quality positive feedback.

3.5 min read
Resource Type
Article / publication

How to Push Toward Excellence (with Heart)

Have you ever needed to push a staff member or a team for more but didn’t know how? When we say push, we don’t mean shoving someone into the deep end without a life raft; we mean setting a high bar and being honest when something needs improvement. Here’s some language you can use.

3 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

Career Pathways Toolkit

This toolkit includes a step-by-step guide for building a “competency model” with equity in mind, and two examples to help get you started.

13.5 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

Practice Giving Feedback for Evaluations

Giving effective feedback requires practice. This small group activity can help managers practice different types of feedback in preparation for performance evaluations.

3 min read
Resource Type
Article / publication

Perspective-Taking for Stronger Relationships

The more self-awareness and authentic consideration of others we cultivate, the better equipped we are to build and get better results, especially during moments of conflict, tension, and frustration. One key way to do this is through perspective-taking.

5 min read
Resource Type
Article / publication

Making the Most of Managers’ Meetings

Tap into the collective power of your managers with effective managers’ meetings! Here are 5 tips for running them effectively.

3 min read
Resource Type
Article / publication

Two Truths and a Lie About Feedback

Hesitant about giving feedback to staff or coworkers? We address common misconceptions so you can build a feedback culture and strengthen relationships in the process.

2.5 min read
Resource Type
Article / publication

Eight-Step Guide to Performance Evaluations for Managers

Done well, performance evaluations are a chance to step back, summarize feedback, and reflect on a staff member’s work and trajectory at your organization. Here’s our eight-step guide for performance evaluations.

6 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

Performance Evaluation Form Template

At least once a year, managers and staff members should meet one-on-one to reflect on the manager/staff relationship, realign on expectations, and discuss overall performance. This template is intended for use by both managers to assess staff, and for staff members to self-evaluate and share feedback with their manager.

5 min read
Resource Type
Article / publication

5 Tips for Evaluating 2020 Performance

Things were not okay in 2020 and the jury’s still out on 2021. Many of you are weighing myriad complexities and will need to use your best judgment as you consider performance on a case-by-case basis. While we can’t offer a comprehensive guide, here are some tips for your 2020 evaluations.

4 min read
Resource Type
Article / publication

Five Ways to Retain High-Performing Staff

Retention is a key part of staff development that managers often overlook. Here are five things you can do to boost retention.

5.5 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

Executive Director Performance Evaluation Form Template

As with other employee evaluations, ED evaluations should focus on both what the ED has accomplished (results) as well as how the director, CEO, principal, or co-director operates (values and approach). Use our Executive Director Performance Evaluation Form Template to conduct a balanced, rigorous evaluation of your director’s performance on both fronts.

6 min read
Resource Type
Article / publication

Common Choice Points

Here is a list of some of the most common choice points, or key decision-making opportunities, managers face that may have equity and inclusion impacts.

3.5 min read
Resource Type
Article / publication

Dar más (y mejor) retroalimentación con CSAW

Trabajar en un equipo requiere una gran comunicación: dar instrucciones claras, alinear las expectativas y ofrecer (y recibir) comentarios que ayuden a las personas a crecer. En este artículo, compartimos un marco simple para dar más y mejor retroalimentación: CSAW (Conectar, Compartir, Preguntar, Concluir).

5.5 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

CSAW hoja de trabajo y muestra

¿Nervioso de dar retroalimentación? Esta hoja de trabajo le ayudará a pensar en lo que quiere decir y en cómo decirlo con CSAW (Conectar, Compartir, Preguntar, Concluir).

2 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

Formulario de retroalimentación 2×2

El sistema 2×2 ayuda a los gerentes y a los miembros del personal a reflexionar con regularidad, a compartir comentarios y a discutir cómo va el trabajo.

3 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

Plantilla – Formulario de Evaluación del Rendimiento

Al menos una vez al año, los directores y los miembros del personal deben reunirse uno a uno para reflexionar sobre la relación entre el gerente y el personal, reajustar las expectativas y discutir el rendimiento general. Esta plantilla está pensada para que tanto los gerentes evalúen al personal como los miembros del personal se autoevalúen y compartan retroalimentaciones con su director.

5.5 min read

Related Trainings

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    Develop Your Staff
  • Three curved lines passing into a rectangle from above, and three extending up from below.

    Giving Feedback

    Learn how to give quality feedback that strengthens relationships and leads to better results. We give you tools and time to practice.

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    Practice Giving Feedback