Resource Type
Article / publication

Managing When Things Are (Still) Not Okay

This article shares guidance for managing through crises, including ways to ground yourself, support your team, and learn from your experiences. It is an updated version of “How to Manage When Things Are Not Okay (And Haven’t Been For Centuries).”

10 min read
Resource Type
Article / publication

Managing in a Unionized Workplace

What’s different about managing in a unionized workplace? This article overviews what changes and what stays the same.

3.5 min read
Resource Type
Article / publication

Two Truths and a Lie About Feedback

Hesitant about giving feedback to staff or coworkers? We address common misconceptions so you can build a feedback culture and strengthen relationships in the process.

2.5 min read
Resource Type
Article / publication

Use Slices to Delegate Effectively without Micromanaging

A key component of the delegation cycle is finding strategic ways for the manager to stay engaged. This article helps managers and staff align on where to check in over the course of a project.

1.5 min read
Resource Type
Article / publication

Making the Most of Managers’ Meetings

Tap into the collective power of your managers with effective managers’ meetings! Here are 5 tips for running them effectively.

3 min read
Resource Type
Article / publication

3 Strategic Mindsets for Middle Managers

Middle managers, try out these three strategic mindsets for easing the squeeze between frontline staff and senior leadership.

4.5 min read
Resource Type
Article / publication

Guiding Principles for Managers During Unionization

Managing in a unionizing context is tricky and high-stakes, but you don’t need to figure it out on your own! Check out our four guiding principles to help you manage during a unionization process.

7.5 min read
Resource Type
Article / publication

Conspire and Align: A New Approach to Management

A clear and defined approach will help you navigate both the routine and unexpected parts of management. Read about our conspire-and-align approach to management.

8.5 min read
Resource Type
Article / publication

Revisa tus prejuicios y mejora tus resultados con PTR

Si alguna vez ha tomado una decisión—desde la forma de comunicar anuncios importantes al personal hasta lo que ha comido en el desayuno—ha utilizado el PTR. PTR, que significa preferencias, tradiciones y requisitos, es una herramienta que puede ayudarle a centrarse en lo que realmente importa para que pueda mitigar el sesgo y llegar a mejores resultados.

5 min read
Resource Type
Article / publication

Utiliza puntos de elección para avanzar equidad racial e inclusión

Los puntos de elección son bifurcaciones en el camino donde algunos caminos reproducen el estatus quo y otros caminos abren oportunidades para la equidad racial, la inclusión y la pertenencia. Con los puntos de elección, los líderes toman una pausa consciente para reflexionar, generar opciones y promulgar cambios que promuevan la equidad y la inclusión.

6.5 min read