Managing Managers Toolkit
This toolkit contains an overview of the tools in your management toolbelt and a checklist of the skills, behaviors, and practices to spot for when managing managers.
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This toolkit contains an overview of the tools in your management toolbelt and a checklist of the skills, behaviors, and practices to spot for when managing managers.
Management is both a technical and a relational skill. As the manager of a manager, you’re paying attention to the outcomes they lead their team to achieve and how they relate to their staff in the process. Here are six tips for managing managers.
Here are five of the most important things a new manager should keep in mind.
Management is both a technical and a relational skill. As the manager of a manager, you’re paying attention to the outcomes they lead their team to achieve and how they relate to their staff in the process. Here are six tips for managing managers.
This toolkit contains an overview of the tools in your management toolbelt and a checklist of the skills, behaviors, and practices to spot for when managing managers.
Whether you’re a senior leader or a middle manager, you can use this tool to get aligned with your team about management expectations and responsibilities.
Tap into the collective power of your managers with effective managers’ meetings! Here are 5 tips for running them effectively.
Here are five of the most important things a new manager should keep in mind.
This interactive, online training for social justice and educational equity leaders provides essential tools and mindsets for equitable, sustainable, and results-driven management.
This training, specifically for BIPOC managers, is a compilation of Managing to Change the World and several Skill Builders with additional content on race and power dynamics.
Make staff development and retention central to your work. Learn to cultivate staff strengths, inspire accountability, and address performance problems.