Educational Equity Newsletter Archive
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Browse Recent Editions
10/30/2024 - Go from surviving to thriving + exclusive offer!
05/29/2024 - Taking care of your people
02/14/2024 - Accountability after goal-setting
11/01/2023 - Battle burnout, plus trainings + new book
07/13/2023 - Meet our trainers!
05/10/2023 - Hire equitably and partner with us!
03/13/2023 - Join us for an exclusive Ed Sector Crash Course!
11/09/2022 - 3 ways to foster belonging
05/11/2022 - Rest is revolutionary, plus webinar and hotline info
06/10/2021 - Building a strong offboarding process
04/15/2021 - Hiring the leaders you need
03/11/2021 - Navigating tough decisions equitably and with heart
02/11/2021 - Boost your team retention with skip-level meetings!
01/14/2021 - How to retain a strong team
11/04/2020 - Post-election resources for managers and leaders
10/15/2020 - Calling in your peers when they’re causing harm
10/08/2020 - Fiercely and equitably advocating for your team
09/03/2020 - Ed Equity: Sharing Power and Seeking Feedback
08/27/2020 - More than words: Black Lives Matter ALIVE
06/18/2020 - Ed Equity: Reinventing Ourselves and Our Schools
06/11/2020 - So, what next?
06/11/2020 - So, what next?
06/11/2020 - So, what next?
06/04/2020 - We’re here with you.
05/28/2020 - Preparing for a Remote Summer (Hiring & Onboarding)
05/28/2020 - Preparing for a Remote Summer (Hiring & Onboarding)
05/28/2020 - Preparing for a Remote Summer (Hiring & Onboarding)
05/21/2020 - Preparing for Fall: Scenario Planning, Financial Contingencies, and the “People” Side of Change
05/21/2020 - Preparing for Fall: Scenario Planning, Financial Contingencies, and the “People” Side of Change
05/21/2020 - Preparing for Fall: Scenario Planning, Financial Contingencies, and the “People” Side of Change
04/30/2020 - Ed Equity Edition: Leading With Humanity
04/30/2020 - Ed Equity Edition: Leading With Humanity