Resource Type
Article / publication

Managing When Things Are (Still) Not Okay

This article shares guidance for managing through crises, including ways to ground yourself, support your team, and learn from your experiences. It is an updated version of “How to Manage When Things Are Not Okay (And Haven’t Been For Centuries).”

10 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

Post-Election Sample Email

The days following Election Day can be filled with stress and uncertainty. This sample email includes ways you can show up for your team.

5 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

Recover & Restore: A Sustainability Worksheet

When it comes to sustainability at work, recovery is just as important as pushing through. Use this worksheet to identify practices in your sphere of control to help you recover and restore.

5 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

Sample Pre-Election Email to Staff

Not sure what to say to your team in the days leading up to Election Day? One of our clients kindly shared an email she sent to all staff as a sample.

2 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

Post-Election Day Debrief

Planning to gather your team post-election day? Here’s how you might structure your agenda to help your staff feel cared for and connected.

2.5 min read
Resource Type
Article / publication

Managing Uncertainty with Purpose, Agency, Connection

As managers, we can’t end the pandemic or undo racial and intergenerational trauma, but we can influence how our staff experience this moment. This article offers three ways to build a greater sense of purpose, agency, and connection during times of crisis or uncertainty.

5.5 min read
Resource Type
Article / publication

5 Things Managers Can Do to Get Election-Ready

Check out these tips for managers and leaders to get their teams through election season (even if your work isn’t directly related to electoral work, politics, or organizing).

4 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

Managing Uncertainty: Check-ins Add-on

During moments of uncertainty, check-ins are an opportunity to meet your staff where they’re at so that they can feel seen and supported. Whatever the case may be for your staff, acknowledge what’s happening, hear how your people are doing, and inject purpose and agency by using this add-on in your next check-in agenda.

2 min read