In this section, you’ll find helpful tools, templates, and tips to grow your team and onboard new staff.

Where to Start

Resource Type
Tool / Template

Figuring Out the Role Worksheet & Sample

Being crystal clear on the role is key to recruiting top talent. Use this worksheet to develop the competencies a top candidate must have. This list can then be translated into a job description. We’ve also included a sample of what a completed worksheet might look like.

3 min read
Resource Type
Article / publication

Mitigate Bias in Hiring With a Simple Rubric

Use hiring rubrics to mitigate bias in your assessments of candidates. This article shares tips for how to create and use rubrics.

4 min read

Additional Resources

Resource Type
Tool / Template

Figuring Out the Role Worksheet & Sample

Being crystal clear on the role is key to recruiting top talent. Use this worksheet to develop the competencies a top candidate must have. This list can then be translated into a job description. We’ve also included a sample of what a completed worksheet might look like.

3 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

The Must-Haves Starter Kit

Here are common must-haves we see across organizational roles. Refer to these as you get crystal clear on job duties and competencies in the hiring process. You should not only customize these must-haves, but also revisit and revise from one hire to the next.

9 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

Building the Pool Worksheet

Most hiring mistakes occur not simply because managers select the wrong person, but because they don’t have the right candidate pool to select from to begin with. Use this worksheet to build a strong talent pool.

1 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

Connector Email Template and Sample

Use this email template and sample to reach out to “connectors” who can help you scout for great talent.

2 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

Talent List

To ensure that strong candidates readily come to mind when you need to hire, keep a running list of prospects. Here’s a simple template to get you started.

1 min read
Resource Type
Article / publication

Mitigate Bias in Hiring With a Simple Rubric

Use hiring rubrics to mitigate bias in your assessments of candidates. This article shares tips for how to create and use rubrics.

4 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

Hiring Rubric Starter Kit

Use this starter kit to help you create and use your own hiring rubrics—template and samples included. By using a rubric to mitigate bias, you can lay the groundwork for equitable hiring.

8.5 min read
Resource Type
Article / publication

3 Ways to Test for Racial Equity & Inclusion Competency

The ability to understand and navigate issues of identity, power, and privilege is a crucial skill. This article shares three simple ways to test for racial equity and inclusion competency.

3.5 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

Interview Question Toolkit

These interview questions can help you identify your strongest candidates. As you plan your candidate evaluation process, use this list to find questions or activities focused on the key traits that you are most interested in.

8 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

Job Simulation Exercises

Having candidates complete exercises similar to what they’d be doing on the job may give you the best sense of how they would perform if hired.

1.5 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

Pre-Interview Email

This sample email is sent to a job applicant prior to an interview, sharing further information about the organization and explaining what you’d like them to come prepared to discuss.

2 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

Exercise Stage Email

This is a sample email to a candidate who made it to the exercise stage of the hiring process (in this case, right after an initial screening call).

2.5 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

Reference Checks Toolkit

This reference check outline worksheet, sample, and list of questions can help save you from the wrong hire.

9.5 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

Rejection Email Samples

The fastest way to inform candidates that they are no longer under consideration is by having a standard email template that you can easily adapt.

2.5 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

Job Description Sample

A great job description goes beyond simply listing responsibilities and qualifications. Use this sample as a guide for your hiring process!

4 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

30/60/90 Day Goal-Setting Template

Use this resource to set short-term goals and identify essential activities for the first three months.

2 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

Onboarding Planning Toolkit

This resource is intended to help managers plan out your onboarding process by thinking through the key topics you should cover in the first month with your new hire.

6 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

Onboarding Checklist

This resource contains a (non-comprehensive) list of common and recommended tasks for managers to consider as part of your new hire onboarding process. Use it to get started on your own.

4 min read
Resource Type
Article / publication

Tips for Conducting a 90-Day Discussion with Your New Hire

The 90-day discussion is a chance to review progress toward goals, share what’s going well and what could be better, and make commitments for moving forward. Here are some tips for conducting a 90-day discussion with a new hire.

2 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

90-Day Discussion Template

This template will help you lead a productive discussion with your new hire about their first 90 days on the job.

3.5 min read
Resource Type
Article / publication

Why You Need a Chief Talent Officer

Make it someone’s job to focus on the full talent lifecycle from pool-building to hiring to development and retention. This article will help you understand the role of a Chief Talent Officer (CTO), decide the scope of responsibility, and get ready to find your person.

5 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

Sample CTO Goals & Metrics

These sample talent-related goals can help you identify and set your own for the Chief Talent Officer (CTO) role.

2 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

CTO Hiring Rubric

Looking to hire a Chief Talent Officer (CTO)? Check out our sample CTO hiring rubric, and tailor it to create your own.

3 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

CTO Job Description Sample

Ready to hire a Chief Talent Officer (CTO)? Use this sample CTO job description to help you get started with the hiring process.

5 min read
Resource Type
Article / publication

Common Choice Points

Here is a list of some of the most common choice points, or key decision-making opportunities, managers face that may have equity and inclusion impacts.

3.5 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

Definir el rol: hoja de trabajo y muestra

Tener muy claro el rol es clave para reclutar a los mejores talentos. Utilice esta hoja de trabajo para desarrollar las aptitudes que debe tener un candidato destacado. Esta lista se puede traducir en una descripción del puesto. También hemos incluido un ejemplo de cómo se vería una hoja de trabajo completada.

4 min read
Resource Type
Tool / Template

El kit de inicio de los imprescindibles

A continuación se presentan los requisitos comunes que vemos en todos los puestos de la organización. Consúltelos a medida que vaya aclarando las funciones y competencias del puesto en el proceso de contratación. No sólo debe personalizar estos requisitos, sino que también debe revisarlos de una contratación a otra.

10 min read

Related Trainings

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    Managing to Change the World

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    Hiring Your Team

    Design a step-by-step equitable hiring process with guidance from an expert. Bring ideas for an upcoming role you hope to fill.

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    $150 to $250
    Plan Your Hiring Success